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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Its Been A Week Now

I really dont know what we were thinking when we decided to drive to North Carolina. Jon got a job(hes a truck driver) going to North Carolina(he usually goes to lame places like Detroit) so we thought it would be a great(bad) idea id we(me and Aurora) went down there with him. We drove 9 hours there(Aurora wasnt that bad). It was a long drive and we were happy to finally be there. We got to the hotel and Aurora fell asleep pretty much right away....

30 minutes later....

she wakes up and....screams....and screams....and screams. for 4 hours. So we decided to pack up and drive home.

We had a entire day planned out.
Discovery Place- CANCELED
Tour of downtown Charlotte-CANCELED
Walking around town and sight seeing-CANCELED

Aurora has been sick for a week now. Ya know, just normal stuff. Runny nose, doesnt wanna eat, cant sleep. I thought she just had a cold but when we had to durn around and drive 9 hours back home I decided enough was enough and she needed to go the doctors.

Fastforward to this morning, we went to the doctors to discover that she has a double ear infection. I think I also left out that for the past 3 days Jon has been telling me that there is something else wrong with her besides a little cold and i kept telling him that he is just crazy. How did I not see this? Im the mom! Im the one who is always with him! Im kind of upset that I didnt know that it was something else and he did.

Anyway, she is now in bed. sleeping. and will be better in 10 days!


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