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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Another [DISGUSTING] Day In Mommyland

We were going on with our daily routine. Roar was eating lunch. I was cleaning the kitchen and we were rolling on. Lunch time came to a screeching halt when a horrible...and i mean horrible odor came from Aurora.

I lifted her up to see that not only had she winnied (that's what we call pooping around here. Get it? Pooped, Pooh....Winnie the Pooh! It just sounds so much nicer) but she had winnied out of her diaper, onto the highchair and it was going up her back. (im sorry if you are eating while reading this)

ok so blah blah blah I cleaned it up and gave Roar a bath. I took her out of the bath, wrapped her in a towel and what do you know....right then Aurora decided to let the pee flow. Right. Down. My. Leg!

So to say the least it has been a disgusting day in mommy land.

But in true Aurora fashion she smoothed things over by being overly cute. Rolling around on the floor with me giving kisses, cuddling with her cow(she has a thing for stuffed animals) and following me around like a little duckling. Except this ducking doesn't quack, she says Mama as she waddles behind me!

And that is a picture of Aurora after her bath trying to brush her hair.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Before You Have Kids

I wish someone would of given me a list of things to do before I decided to have kids. Ive written a list of things that I think everyone should do before a screaming baby enters your life:

1. The most important, enjoy sleeping. I would love to sleep past 630 in the morning and get a nap in. Im not going to lie, once of twice a week i squeeze in a nap(that is all of 20 minutes long)

2.Get your house organized. Throw away or donate(or hey have a garage sale) everything you dont use.

3. Get caught up on laundry. Aurora has at least doubled the amount of laundry I do and shes only 10 months old.

4. Stay out late. Release your inner party animal. This will be your last chance(unless your ok with leaving your child every weekend) to go out late and sleep in.

5. Treat yourself to a spa day. Enjoy the day relaxing(I suggest doing this near the end of your pregnancy)

6. Go out to eat at a fancy restaurant. Stay there for hours, order every course and just enjoy yourself.

7.Take a long shower. My showers now consist of quick 5-10 minute showers while Aurora is napping.

8. Spend a lot of time with friends(especially the ones who don't have kids) it will be hard to squeeze them into your busy schedule.

9.Go shopping!!! Every time I have extra money its always getting spent on Aurora. Over the weekend we went out so I could pick up a few things for the fall season. All I got was a pair of pants(that I have to return) and a pair of boots. Aurora got 4 shirts, two pants, a pair a shoes and a new toy. Buy yourself something nice!

10.Don't stress. Don't worry that your house is not spotless(but I do suggest getting caught up on laundry). 

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Eating Out Will Never Be The Same

There is a few(and I mean a few) things that stay the same once you have a child and going out to eat is not one of those. I miss the days of nice long dinners. No rush, no going to dinner at 4 so we can get there before its busy, no moving everything on the other side of the table so she doesn't throw everything on the floor.

I am kind of lucky, Aurora is not a horrible child when it comes to eating out. She does not cry but she does try to throw everything on the floor, and we do have to go early because if we are there to long she will start to get cranky. No 3 course meal for us. No appetizer or desert. Get in and get out! This will lead me to my next blog....things I wish I would of done more of before I had kids(coming soon).

me and my baby at dinner!

having fun at longhorn steak house!

Aurora started getting impatient waiting for our check so daddy had to walk around with her!

And this is what happens to the floor, chicken and veggies everywhere! I asked the people for a broom so I could clean it up but they wouldn't give me one. I feel bad when she makes a mess!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Time Has Come

Its finally here. The day I have been dreading. My house is now a cartoon house. YUCK!

Over the past month Aurora has become more and more interested in the TV. She will be playing and stop to check out what im watching. I don't think its appropriate her to to watch reruns of The Bad Girls Club(please don't laugh at me) so this morning I put on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Not only did she enjoy it but she walked for it. THATS RIGHT! SHE WALKED FOR MICKEY MOUSE! She wont even walk to me, but she walked to Mickey!

Now I have to spend the rest of my days with the sound of some annoying cartoon character singing in the background......did I mention I really didn't want this day to come.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fracture! Im Overly Excited!

I am a follower of TwitterMoms and when I saw that I had the chance to try out the new Fracture product FOR FREE I was thrilled!

Your probably wondering what Fracture is? Thats easy, it lets you print out your picture onto glass! How cool is that? Once you go to they print it onto glass for you and then its on its way to you with everything you could possibly need! I can now mount and display my own pictures. Hassle free!

I plan on giving fracturing a try when I get my daughters picture taken for her first birthday! Im so excited and im sure will use this over and over again!

Here is a link to the website if you think you are interested     Fracture Me

There is only 100 participants in the free trial and ill be posting a follow up blog later on about how it works :)

"I wrote this blog post in response to a TwitterMoms RAMBO alert, making me eligible to get a Fracture picture frame for review. You can learn more about Fracture at”

Domestic? I Wish!

I know what your thinking, Isn't her name Dana Domestic Diva? Well, yes. Yes it is. But that's more of something I inspire to be. Sure, I can make a great meal but when it comes to keeping this place clean im less than perfect.

My bathroom is ALMOST always a mess
I am NEVER EVER caught up on laundry. And once I take it out of the drier it takes me a day or two(or never) to actually put the clothes away
I clean the kitchen twice a day. Once after breakfast and once after lunch. Never after dinner. After Aurora goes to bed at night the last thing I want to do is dishes.
I think Auroras room is the only room in the house that is usually always clean, and that's only because were not in it that much.
My living room is filled with Auroras toys(that she drags around the house and I find dropped in the bathtub when im taking a shower)

Here are some pictures of the mess I live in, I need some advice here and PLEASE don't laugh at my horribly dirty apartment!

Auroras toys take over the living room!

You see all that mess on the computer? THAT'S ALL JON! I got sick of cleaning it up every day just for him to come home and leave his Snapple bottles and whatever else on top of it.

Do I just have to much stuff? And I totally need a new kitchen table if anyone knows someone who is getting rid of one!

As you can see I have not cleaned the kitchen yet today!

Here is where I need your advice. Am I doing something wrong? Do I really constantly have to clean in order to keep a clean house? Or is this all the result of my messy family(and me)?

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Weekend Of Mommas

We had  a jam packed weekend with our moms. Besides our usually cleaning, running errands and spending as much time as a family of 3 as we can had dinner prepared for us twice :) Which I was completely a fan of.

Saturday we went to Jons mothers house who had a crap load of new toys for Aurora. A princess ball, a few books and puzzles, a telephone, a walker/bike, and a fish highchair.

As you can see me and Aurora are surrounded by new toys! And those toys ALL stay at grandmas house. Our average size apartment is filled with toys. Every time someone new comes over they bring a brand new toy for Aurora. I'm seriously thinking about making it a one present rule at her birthday party!

Aurora and her daddy cuddling. Play is hard work! Didn't you know?

I think she is still a little small for this toy. She has not quite figured out how to move her legs to make bike/ car go. She just wanted off!

Sunday we went to my mothers house where Aurora got to feed the ducks. My mom has become quite the animal and plant lover. Her back yard looks like a forest. She grows everything from green beans to a pumpkin patch for Aurora.

She LOVED feeding the ducks. I wish I would of taken a video of her jumping up and down and slapping her hands in excitement!

This is Aurora with her tiny pumpkin. Ok here is the story, Aurora was due October 5 and my mother told me for months that she was not going to come out until she got her very own pumpkin for Halloween. October 5 came and went and there was no Aurora to be seen so the next day my doctor called me in for a check up. My mom  showed up at the appointment with a pumpkin and what do you know, the next day at noon I started getting contractions and Aurora was making her way out! So now every year my mom has decided to grow Aurora her very own pumpkin patch!

My little princess being a big girl and playing at my moms house!

I know this is kind of strange but you would never guess what I saw at the grocery store on Sunday.....

Would you like to see?

DONUT KABOBS!!! And no I did not buy them!

I love Mondays. I had a great weekend visiting with our moms and I know Aurora had a blast too but im not going to lie I love when Jon goes back to work and I get my baby all to myself!

Aurora after her bath on Monday. As clean and as cute as can be!

Get To Know Me!

1. Approx how big (sq feet) is your house/condo/apartment, etc? I live in a apartment, its 1200 sq feet and totally not big enough, but I do have a TON of closet space. Were moving in February!

2. What is the coolest thing you own and would like to share with us? I'm not going to lie, I don't spend much money on myself these days.

3. Do you have any undiscovered or hidden talents? My ENTIRE life I've been mad about the fact that I have no talent.

4. Using no more than 10 nouns, and ONLY nouns, describe yourself. You may explain your choices or not as you see fit. Mother, organizer, fighter, dreamer, shopper, volcano, Louisiana, coffee, garbage can, mascara!

5. What was your first car? red Geo Prism.

6. Do you have any pets? If so, what? I have a adorably fat cat named George that lives at my mothers.

7. What's your favorite restaurant? I don't have one. But we often eat at Applebees and Outback.

8. If you could have plastic surgery right now and change anything about yourself, what would you change? I would get lazer stretch mark removal(is that a real thing?) and id obviously wait til im done having babies for that one!

9. What is the most you've ever eaten in one sitting? Seriously? I have no idea, but im assuming I was pregnant.

10. What has been your most scary moment(s) in life?Scary? When I was 16 I totally thought I was going to die. I was in the car with my boyfriend at the time and the idiot turned onto the wrong side of the road!

11. Do you follow trends? Sorts kinda. I like fashion but when im going out to buy new clothes I just stick to what I like.

12. If you were told right now that you've won a 70 million dollar lottery, how would you spend the moolah? Id buy a nice house(not too big), donate money to a abused childrens charity and St Judes. I'm sure Jon would make me invest the rest.

13. Have you ever gone toilet-papering? If so, tell us: Nope.

14. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Anywhere? Please dont make fun of me but there is an Alaskan cruise I have always wanted to go on!

15. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? With 4 kids(YIKES!), hopefully they will all be in school so I can get back to work. Probably not married, since I don't wish to ever get married!

16. Ever gotten ultimate revenge on someone? I don't care enough about other people to get revenge on them.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Recipe To Share

Ive made this recipe a few times now and it turns out better and better every time! I love Rachael Ray and all of her recipes are the BEST! Here is one of my favorite recipes by her...I recommended making it for your family(it makes a lot)

Hot Sausage Pepper and Onion Rigatoni


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Spacing Siblings

Aurora is almost one now and this is the time when most parents debate when to add a second child. If I wait to long then im going to have to do the diaper changes and everything else that involves having a baby all over again. BUT if I have baby to soon then it will be baby over load. The best decision for us to have another baby when Aurora is two. Ill have a walking talking toddler and a 1 AM screaming baby. I cant wait :)

I want Aurora to have a sibling close in her age. My siblings are at either at least 5 years older or a crazy 16 years younger! To this day I still don't feel close to my siblings and honestly, its something I always wanted. I just want to give Aurora a close nit sibling relationship.

Day In The Life

This is Aurora, my little princess. She is the most beautiful little girl in the entire for the real stuff. This is Aurora, 10 months old now and a handful. I am constantly shocked by things she does because I still think of her as my little peanut who just eats, sleeps, and poos. This is no longer the case! She is funner than ever, and more challenging then ever. Yesterday I was putting her down for her afternoon nap when I heard her in her crib making a strange noise. When I went to go check on her I saw that she had taken off her diaper! I though to myself, "How in the world did she do that?"  That is when I realized that she is not longer a little baby anymore and that she is in the early stages of becoming a toddler. She is starting to walk, can say Mama, tries to say Dada, waves, shakes her head no, makes a strange snarl face when she gets excited about something, claps and dances. She certainly has a attitude(and im sure this is going to get worse with age) but is such a joy to have around. Aurora loves stuffed animals and little toys that she can carry around with her from room to room. She loves anything that makes music but mostly she just loves to be with me, like my little duckling she follows me around all day. Aurora has taught me how to unconditionally love someone. Ever since she was born I cant even watch a show or hear something about a child getting cancer(or some other horrible thing) with out crying. The little girl has made my life hectic and amazing and im sure most of my blogs will be about some adventure(good or bad) that she has gotten us in to that day.

Meet Jon. I don't even have a picture of just him. I think this shows that his is obviously number 2 in my life. I don't think I could of picked a better person to be Auroras father. He is a great father who works hard and comes right home to us. My only wish is that he would see that taking care of Aurora is a job. He gets to leave her and get a break, I don't! I am ALL AURORA ALL THE TIME! I dont know if there is another guy who could live with me. He constintly reminds me that has has accepted the fact that im not easy to live with. We dont have a easy relationship, I honesly dont remember the last time we went a day without argueng. Most days I hate him, but there is no other person who id enjoy hating more than him. The truth is that I have been trying to write about him for a hour now and I just dont have anything to say. Our relationship has become more about baby toys, bills, and "Guess what Aurora did today?" then an actually 20 something year old couples should be....and I dont know if I would have it any other way.

I decided to start blogging as a form of therapy for myself. Being a mother is tough work and at the end of the day I don't have energy to deal with anything else except sleep. I just push my issues onto the next day and never put aside the time to work things out. I think blogging will force me to deal with things. If I write things down and get them out I will be a better mother, friend, companion....ill be a all around better me! Im not perfect, far from it. Ive been called a bitch more than a few times in my life and i am trying to work on that. I have strong opinions about things I don't know how to express them correctly.  I'm hopeing to learn more about myself and have fun doing it!