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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day In The Life

This is Aurora, my little princess. She is the most beautiful little girl in the entire for the real stuff. This is Aurora, 10 months old now and a handful. I am constantly shocked by things she does because I still think of her as my little peanut who just eats, sleeps, and poos. This is no longer the case! She is funner than ever, and more challenging then ever. Yesterday I was putting her down for her afternoon nap when I heard her in her crib making a strange noise. When I went to go check on her I saw that she had taken off her diaper! I though to myself, "How in the world did she do that?"  That is when I realized that she is not longer a little baby anymore and that she is in the early stages of becoming a toddler. She is starting to walk, can say Mama, tries to say Dada, waves, shakes her head no, makes a strange snarl face when she gets excited about something, claps and dances. She certainly has a attitude(and im sure this is going to get worse with age) but is such a joy to have around. Aurora loves stuffed animals and little toys that she can carry around with her from room to room. She loves anything that makes music but mostly she just loves to be with me, like my little duckling she follows me around all day. Aurora has taught me how to unconditionally love someone. Ever since she was born I cant even watch a show or hear something about a child getting cancer(or some other horrible thing) with out crying. The little girl has made my life hectic and amazing and im sure most of my blogs will be about some adventure(good or bad) that she has gotten us in to that day.

Meet Jon. I don't even have a picture of just him. I think this shows that his is obviously number 2 in my life. I don't think I could of picked a better person to be Auroras father. He is a great father who works hard and comes right home to us. My only wish is that he would see that taking care of Aurora is a job. He gets to leave her and get a break, I don't! I am ALL AURORA ALL THE TIME! I dont know if there is another guy who could live with me. He constintly reminds me that has has accepted the fact that im not easy to live with. We dont have a easy relationship, I honesly dont remember the last time we went a day without argueng. Most days I hate him, but there is no other person who id enjoy hating more than him. The truth is that I have been trying to write about him for a hour now and I just dont have anything to say. Our relationship has become more about baby toys, bills, and "Guess what Aurora did today?" then an actually 20 something year old couples should be....and I dont know if I would have it any other way.

I decided to start blogging as a form of therapy for myself. Being a mother is tough work and at the end of the day I don't have energy to deal with anything else except sleep. I just push my issues onto the next day and never put aside the time to work things out. I think blogging will force me to deal with things. If I write things down and get them out I will be a better mother, friend, companion....ill be a all around better me! Im not perfect, far from it. Ive been called a bitch more than a few times in my life and i am trying to work on that. I have strong opinions about things I don't know how to express them correctly.  I'm hopeing to learn more about myself and have fun doing it!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to meet you Dana! I can so relate to your post because I've been where you are at now. In fact your little girl reminds me of mine when she was that age. ADORABLE! Still, being a mom is tough no matter how cute your kid is.

    I look forward to reading more and thank you for stopping by my site.
