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Monday, August 30, 2010

Before You Have Kids

I wish someone would of given me a list of things to do before I decided to have kids. Ive written a list of things that I think everyone should do before a screaming baby enters your life:

1. The most important, enjoy sleeping. I would love to sleep past 630 in the morning and get a nap in. Im not going to lie, once of twice a week i squeeze in a nap(that is all of 20 minutes long)

2.Get your house organized. Throw away or donate(or hey have a garage sale) everything you dont use.

3. Get caught up on laundry. Aurora has at least doubled the amount of laundry I do and shes only 10 months old.

4. Stay out late. Release your inner party animal. This will be your last chance(unless your ok with leaving your child every weekend) to go out late and sleep in.

5. Treat yourself to a spa day. Enjoy the day relaxing(I suggest doing this near the end of your pregnancy)

6. Go out to eat at a fancy restaurant. Stay there for hours, order every course and just enjoy yourself.

7.Take a long shower. My showers now consist of quick 5-10 minute showers while Aurora is napping.

8. Spend a lot of time with friends(especially the ones who don't have kids) it will be hard to squeeze them into your busy schedule.

9.Go shopping!!! Every time I have extra money its always getting spent on Aurora. Over the weekend we went out so I could pick up a few things for the fall season. All I got was a pair of pants(that I have to return) and a pair of boots. Aurora got 4 shirts, two pants, a pair a shoes and a new toy. Buy yourself something nice!

10.Don't stress. Don't worry that your house is not spotless(but I do suggest getting caught up on laundry). 


  1. Problem is, we did those things really, just did't apreciate them like whe should have. Like pottying alone? or having sex in other areas of the house without being confined to the bedroom behind a locked door!? (ooops I worte that, huh?) Well, its true, just you wait and see!

    Great Post!

  2. I never even thought to include those! good ones!
