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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Domestic? I Wish!

I know what your thinking, Isn't her name Dana Domestic Diva? Well, yes. Yes it is. But that's more of something I inspire to be. Sure, I can make a great meal but when it comes to keeping this place clean im less than perfect.

My bathroom is ALMOST always a mess
I am NEVER EVER caught up on laundry. And once I take it out of the drier it takes me a day or two(or never) to actually put the clothes away
I clean the kitchen twice a day. Once after breakfast and once after lunch. Never after dinner. After Aurora goes to bed at night the last thing I want to do is dishes.
I think Auroras room is the only room in the house that is usually always clean, and that's only because were not in it that much.
My living room is filled with Auroras toys(that she drags around the house and I find dropped in the bathtub when im taking a shower)

Here are some pictures of the mess I live in, I need some advice here and PLEASE don't laugh at my horribly dirty apartment!

Auroras toys take over the living room!

You see all that mess on the computer? THAT'S ALL JON! I got sick of cleaning it up every day just for him to come home and leave his Snapple bottles and whatever else on top of it.

Do I just have to much stuff? And I totally need a new kitchen table if anyone knows someone who is getting rid of one!

As you can see I have not cleaned the kitchen yet today!

Here is where I need your advice. Am I doing something wrong? Do I really constantly have to clean in order to keep a clean house? Or is this all the result of my messy family(and me)?

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